What is Graduation Planner?

  • Graduation Planner is a module in PowerSchool that aides in measuring student progress toward Graduation based on State and District guidelines.
  • Passaic also uses Graduation Planner's Post-Secondary Plan segment to measure student progress in their selected pathway sequence, including CTE and DE pathways.

How does Graduation Planner know what our graduation and pathway requirements are?

Who should be enrolled in a Graduation Plan and/or Pathway?

  • All students should be enrolled in the Graduation Plan that is appropriate for their graduation year.
  • All students participating in a CTE, DE or other school specific pathway must be enrolled in the appropriate Post-Secondary Prep Plan.
  • Yes, some students will be enrolled in both a Graduation Plan and a Pathway.

Enrolling one student in a Graduation Plan

After selecting a student in PowerSchool:

  1. Select Graduation Plan Selection on the left sidebar menu
  2. Type in the year that the student is entering the Graduation Plan (it's called a Graduation Contract below)
  3. ALL STUDENTS - Select the correct version of the CURRENT - Graduation Plan.
    The correct version will be the one that includes the year the student is graduating.
  4. SOME STUDENTS - If students are participating in a CTE, DE or other school specific pathway,
    Enter the year we anticipate the student to start college
  5. Select the appropriate CTE, DE or school specific pathway the student is enrolled in.
    As noted in the screenshot below, the Pathway is also usually noted in the Homeroom field at the top of the page.

Enrolling multiple students in a Graduation Plan

A counselor would usually want to enroll all of their students into a graduation plan at once.  

  1. On the PowerSchool Start Page, in the search bar, type in Counselor=your name.
    Be sure to type in your name the way that it shows up on the Counselor field, otherwise you wouldn't get results.
    This is usually just your last name.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow on the bottom right
  3. Select the Graduation Plan Selection option
  4. On the new page, select the appropriate Action to Take, usually Add the selected plans (replacing versions of the same plan)
  5. ALL STUDENTS - Select the correct version of the CURRENT - Graduation Plan.
    The correct version will be the one that includes the year the student is graduating.
  6. SOME STUDENTS - Select the appropriate CTE, DE or school specific pathway the student is enrolled in.
    As noted in the screenshot below, the Pathway is also usually noted in the Homeroom field at the top of the page.
  7. Submit
  8. You can also select students in a particular pathway by typing Home_room=pathway name
    Be sure to type the pathway name exactly the way it shows up at the top of the page