Why do we need data?

NJ requires that each school district submit a multitude of data regarding student progress.  This data ranges in subject and includes but is not limited to student enrollment, graduation, course grades, and CTE and DE pathway participation.

The Data Team has created the Data Integrity Dashboard to ensure that we can accurately provide information to the state.  We check for:

  • State data errors we'd receive upon submitting a report
  • Data inconsistencies between similar PowerSchool fields 

What data needs to be entered?

There are a few student pages that Counselors need to enter information on:

Graduation Plan Selection & Graduation Plan Progress 

Scheduling Setup

  • Next Year Grade - which grade level the student will be in next school year, once we do the rollover in the summer.
    This should be updated immediately as information becomes available. 99 is for students who will be graduating at the end of this school year.  
  • Year of Graduation - the year the student is anticipated to graduate in.
    This should match with the Next Year Grade field.
  • Summer School Indicator - If the student will be attending summer school, select it here.
  • Next School Indicator - which school the student will be in next school year, once we do the rollover in the summer.  
    This should be updated immediately as information becomes available. Graduated Students is for students who will be graduating at the end of this school year. 

State/Province - NJ > NJS SID Tab

  • Year of Graduation - the year the student is anticipated to graduate in.
  • ELA Graduation Pathway Indicator - informs the state which of the ELA assessment target scores the student has met to fulfil their ELA Graduation Requirement.
  • Math Graduation Pathway Indicator - informs the state which of the Math assessment target scores the student has met to fulfil their Math Graduation Requirement.
  • Federal HS Math Testing Requirement - All students are required by Federal law to take Algebra I. Indicate where the student took Algebra I.
  • IEP Graduation Course Requirement - if a student has an IEP, are they exempt from specific courses that would otherwise be required to graduate
  • IEP Graduation Course Attendance  -  if a student has an IEP, are they exempt from attendance requirements that would otherwise be required to graduate 

Why am I getting errors in Data Integrity?

What we're checking for:

  1. Scheduling Setup Year of Graduation must be the same as SID Tab Year of Graduation
  2. Next Year Grade must be available at the Next Year School.  For example, a student can't be in Grade 10 at School 1 or Grade 99 at PHS.  Grade 99 is at the Graduated Students school only.
  3. Make sure the ELA Graduation Pathway Indicator and Graduation Planner's ELA Graduation Pathway Test Group match.
  4. Make sure the Math Graduation Pathway Indicator and Graduation Planner's Math Graduation Pathway Test Group match.
  5. Check Historical Grades to make sure that Algebra I is listed.
  6. IEP Graduation Course Requirement and Attendance can only be filled in for students with a Classification on the Sped tab

At the beginning of the year, what should I do? (to be updated based on feedback)

  1. Enroll your students in Graduation Planner.  Make sure that you're selecting the correct version so students see the appropriate requirements for their graduation year.
  2. Now that the student is enrolled in a GradPlan, you should see their ELA & Math Graduation Pathways listed at the top of the Graduate Plan Progress page.  Based on this information, enter the ELA & Math Graduation Pathway indicators for that student on the State/Province - NJ > NJS SID Tab.
  3. Check whether or not students have taken the Algebra I assessment (details in GradPlan) and fill in Federal HS Math Testing Requirement 
  4. For students with IEPs, check if any graduation requirements are waived and indicate the IEP Graduation Course Requirement & Attendance fields accordingly

Throughout the year: (to be updated based on feedback) 

  1. If you know that an scores from a recent administration of a standardized test (SAT, ACT, NJSLA, NJGPA) was just uploaded to PowerSchool, check your students' GradPlan to see if they've recently met their ELA or Math Graduation Pathway requirements.

CTE guidance will be linked here once it has been created.