Sometimes you get an error and need to take a screenshot to show to someone. Use the following steps:


  • To capture the entire screen (everything you see on the screen, including all open windows), press the PrtScn button. This screenshot will be placed on your clipboard for you to paste wherever you want. 

  • You can also press Windows Key + Print Screen to save the screenshot to your [User]\Pictures\Screenshots folder.


  • To take a screenshot of the entire screen, use the Ctrl + Show windows key combination. The Show windows key, which looks like a rectangle with two lines on the right side, is on the top row of the keyboard (it’s the equivalent of the F5 key on a PC keyboard).

Mac OS

  • To capture a specific area of your screen, press Cmd+Shift+4. Your cursor will turn into a crosshair and you can drag around the area you want to capture.