PPS-Guest Instructions for Contractors

If your program has been granted access to use the guest network, follow these instructions. Please note that your program was given a user account that must not be shared. Access is routinely monitored for misuse.

Contractor Procedure

  1. Connect to PPS-Guest from the device.
  2. A web page will open with a form[1].
  3. At the bottom of the form there will be a contractor login button.
  4. Proceed to the login screen and submit the login with the credentials provided for your program.
  5. The device will be remembered for 8 hours before login is required again[2].


Important Notes

  • Devices on PPS-Guest cannot talk to any Passaic Internal services or devices. This includes but is not limited to printers, computers, wireless projectors.
  • Some devices have trouble with captive portals and do not open the web page automatically after connecting to PPS-Guest. Should this happen, open any web browser, and browse to notpurple.com and the form should trigger. Apple users specifically run into this issue frequently.

[1] Some devices have trouble with captive portals and do not open the web page automatically after connecting to PPS-Guest. Should this happen, the user can open any web browser, browse to a non-cached site, and be redirected to the captive portal. Apple users specifically run into this issue frequently. Good sites to try are neverssl.com or notpurple.com, connecting to those sites should trigger the form.

[2] Some devices use randomized details when connecting to Wi-Fi networks. Guests will have to go through the registration process each time they reconnect if their device uses such a feature. The feature can typically be disabled by going into the advanced settings of the Wi-Fi selection screen of your device.