Guidance for _ur courses
- Student is enrolled in _ur course in PowerSchool
- Apex enrollments show up in Apex the next day
- Apex teacher monitors student progress in the course
- When coursework has been completed, Apex teacher will give a grade to the student on that unit
Once grade has been assigned, the following email is sent by the Apex teacher
From: Apex teacher
To: All other Apex teachers, Student’s counselor, Student’s current subject teacher
The student below has completed the following in APEX UNIT RECOVERY.
By sending this email I am confirming that their final grade was also added to the final grade column on our school’s APEX Tracking spreadsheet.
Below is the average of this and the student’s past score is below.
Teachers, please update PowerTeacher Gradebook
Counselors, please update Stored Grades.
I have attached the final grade verification.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Grade changed to average the new unit score with the old unit score
Teacher updates PowerTeacher Gradebook Grade - needs to be updated so F1 grades are calculated correctly
Counselor updates Stored Grade - needs to be updated so transcripts print correctly
Note: Grades should NOT be entered directly onto the _ur section. This will cause duplicate grades.